Flu Vaccines


  • We now have a large supply of private flu vaccines. These vaccines are for anyone between the ages of 5 and 65 years who do not qualify for the government funded flu vaccine program. The cost is $25. 


  • We now also have a large supply of  government-funded flu vaccines. These vaccine are available FREE of any cost for anyone 65 years and over, 6 months to 5 years old and those who are between 5 and 65 years old and have an eligible medical condition. (conditions explained below)


Info About Flu Vaccine 2023


Appointments can be made via our website or the HotDoc App,

Or by calling the practice on (02) 9023 9999.

When can I have the 2023 flu vaccine?

You can book in for our private 2023 seasonal flu vaccine now, call us on 9023 9999 and we can assist you with making an appointment.

When government seasonal flu vaccines become available an update will go out.


Do I need the flu vaccine this year?

Immunising against the influenza virus saves lives and helps lower the risk of diagnostic uncertainty between the flu and COVID. Detailed answers to frequently asked questions about influenza vaccine can be found here.

What Influenza vaccine am I eligible for?

There are two groups of influenza vaccines available in 2023

1- Government-funded Flu Vaccine which is Free for the following eligible groups:

          • people aged 65 years and over
          • pregnant women
          • children under 5 years old
          • Aboriginal people
          • medically at risk groups (explained below)

2- Private Flu Vaccine : for those who are between 5 and 65 years old. This is not government funded and provided by us at a cost of $25

If I am between 5 and 65 years old, what makes me eligible for a government-funded flu shot? 

  • If you identify as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander you are eligible at any age for a government funded vaccine.

Please note that the Commonwealth and State governments have very strict criteria around who is eligible for government funded vaccines. You will not be provided with a free vaccine unless you fall into one of the following categories:

  1. patients with cardiac disease, including cyanotic congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure.
  2. patients with chronic respiratory conditions, including suppurative lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe asthma (note that this is defined as needed those needing multiple medications or frequent medical visits);
  3. patients without a functioning spleen;
  4. patients who are immunocompromised; including with HIV; cancer; chronic steroid (cortisone) use; solid organ transplant; bone marrow or stem cell transplant;
  5. patients with chronic neurological conditions including epilepsy, spinal cord disorders, neuromuscular disorders;
  6. patients who any type of diabetes;
  7. pregnant women (can be given at any stage of the pregnancy);
  8. patients with metabolic disorders;
  9. patients with chronic renal failure; and
  10. children between the ages of 6 months to 10 years on chronic aspirin therapy.

You can see the Frequently asked questions about Influenza HERE .

Opening Hours

Mon   8am - 6pm

Tue   8am - 6pm

Wed   8am - 6pm

Thu   8am - 6pm

Fri   8am - 6pm

Sat   9am - 2pm

Sun   9am - 1pm